How do you define your days?

I define my days by how much I get done.  I judge myself by how much was accomplished on my list. I define my life by how many things I can complete. I am goal-oriented.

On a day that I feel scattered and I don’t get much finished, I don’t feel very good about myself. When I feel pulled in many directions or have several interruptions, it can be overwhelming and I can feel the pull to shut down.

My solution simple and effective!

1. Make a list – of all the things you want to do, everything that needs to be done. My lists are often a page long and form two columns. One for personal and one for business. I write it all down. Get it out of my head and onto paper. This may seem daunting. It’s okay. Do it anyway.

2. Ask yourself, “What do I need to do today to feel good about myself?”  Call a friend? Send out a birthday card? Paint? Write for fifteen minutes? Clean the garage for thirty minutes? Choose one or two things on the list and highlight them, circle them, put a big star next to them. These are the tasks to focus on.

If I can accomplish that very small list of one or two items, no matter what else does or doesn’t get done, I feel like I’ve had a productive day.  Sometimes, these are things I’d rather put off doing. And doing those things is a great accomplishment indeed!

Try it out and let me know if it works for you!

Angela DiCicco

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