Nope, being a parent never ends but the relationship changes

Whoops I did it again!Being the parent of an adult child is harder than being a parent of young children!  Yes, believe it! Adult children have the power to hurt you deeply and you have no recourse. You can’t send them to their rooms!When your kids are little, you have total control. I mean, you obviously can’t control their bowel movements, one of the few things … Continue reading Nope, being a parent never ends but the relationship changes

Ideal Parent….What Does that Mean?

If you are anything like me you have dreamed of being a mother for a very long time.  You thought about what it would be like to raise your children and what you will and will not tolerate.  You some how in your mind created this ideal of the perfect parent.  What you aspire to be. For me that was my mother.  I wanted to … Continue reading Ideal Parent….What Does that Mean?