5 years since THE call. The 5 Year Anniversary of my husband’s accident. We are grateful.

What at a difference 5 years makes.

June, 11, 2020 marks 5 years since Arthur’s motorcycle, the night before our 5 year anniversary.

June 11, 2015 at approximately 9:30pm, Arthur’s motorcycle crashed into a guardrail, sending him sailing through the air landing on his back down the ravine in a patch of poison ivy, severing his spine and rendering him a T-11 complete paraplegic.

This started him on a journey of several spine surgeries, a bad case of poison ivy, pulmonary embolisms, a bleed out that stopped his heart, and many UTI’s.

But Arthur is a cat with 9 lives. He continues to fight back each time.

The past five years have contained much heartache but also many blessings. It’s been a learning experience for both of us.


After 13 months in hospitals and rehabs, Arthur
moved into a wheelchair accessible condo with his wife Angela.

Arthur learned to take a shower independently.

Arthur learned to drive with hand controls and has a wheelchair accessible van.

Arthur and Angela have made several trips to the beach finding lodgings that were wheelchair accessible.

Arthur learned to cook from his wheelchair. It’s a little scary because he can’t feel anything hot if it falls on his legs.

Arthur can dress himself, get in and out of the bed by himself.

Arthur can stay home alone, independently, when Angela goes out of town.

Arthur and Angela have enjoyed the many visits with friends and family.

We appreciate all those who supported us with their time, providing us with meals and helping Arthur up the stairs into your homes.

We are grateful to those who prayed for us, helped me get the house ready to sell and helped us get settled in our condo.

The outpouring of love through donations, phone calls and beautiful comments on social media is humbling.

We could not have done it alone. Many thanks to all of you for being here on this journey with us.

We are eternally grateful for your support.

Is it worth celebrating? Yes, because it could have been worse. He could be a quadriplegic; he could be dead. We could be divorced.

We thank God every day that Arthur is still with us, that we are together. Everyday Arthur is grateful to be alive. We pray for our friends and for Arthur’s continued good health.

Arthur and Angela

For more of Arthur’s story, go here: https://www.gofundme.com/f/arthurmorton

Visit: Theitaliangrandmama.com

Contact me: theitaliangrandmama@gmail.com

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